We have organized the OWA FAQs below by topic. Click on the category name below to go directly to the list of FAQs for that category.
TOP OWA 2007 USER FAQs back to top
Additional login prompts are often the result of incorrect authentication settings. For RSA SecurID two-factor authentication interoperation with a Client Access Server (CAS), the owa virtual directory must have Integrated Windows Authentication enabled and Anonymous Access disabled.
To verify these setting on the CAS,
The Account lockout duration, Account lockout threshold and Reset account lockout counter after settings are configured in the Default Domain Policy. These settings define what will happen if a user attempts to logon to the domain using the incorrect password multiple times. Attempting to logon to OWA with an incorrect password will also increase the bad password count (badPwdCount), which will eventually lock a user out of the domain until it is reset.
Important consideration: Attackers can also use this strategy to lock users out of the network as long as they obtain valid usernames. The default settings of these Default Domain attributes are as follows:
Value | Default | Recommended | |
Account lockout duration | Specifies the number of minutes a locked out account will remain unavailable before a user can attempt to log back in Note that such a configuration will likely increase the number of calls that the help desk receives to unlock accounts locked by mistake. | Windows Server 2008 - Not Defined Windows Server 2003 - Not Defined | Windows Server 2008 - 15 minutes Windows Server 2003 - 0 |
Account lockout threshold | This setting determines the number of failed logon attempts before a lockout occurs. | Windows Server 2008 - 0 Windows Server 2003 - 0 | Windows Server 2008 - 50 invalid logon attempts Windows Server 2003- 20 invalid logon attempts |
Reset account lockout counter after | This is the length of time before the Account lockout threshold setting resets to zero. | Windows Server 2008 - Not Defined Windows Server 2003 - Not Defined | Windows Server 2008 - 15 minutes Windows Server 2003 - 30 minutes |
The document cannot be converted by the WebReady Document viewing service because it is larger than the maximum size limit set by the administrator for your organization.To alter the WebReady Document Viewing file size limit,
For additional information view the external links below: How to Configure WebReady Document Viewing
How to Manage Maximum Message Size in Outlook Web Access
Setting Up Outlook 2003 Cached Exchange Mode Accounts
If you are interested I giving users access to shared calendars from within OWA, like they do in Outlook, there is a company called Messageware that offers shared calendaring in OWA.
Pasting images into messages is not an OWA feature. There are two workarounds to getting images into your message:
There is a Microsoft knowledgebase article, available below, which explains how to paste an image into the OWA signature. The workaround does not always seem to work and is not supported by Microsoft as an official solution.
How to get an image into the signature file in OWA
When you open an attachment, rather than view it with WebReady Document Viewing or save it to a specified location, the attachment will always be saved to the temporary internet files folder on the local computer. This happens unknowingly to the user creating a real danger on computers where unauthorized people could get hold of confidential documents.
There are a few ways Administrators can secure attachments for all:
Disable access to all attachments
Although not practical, it is the safest way to make sure that attachments are never left behind.
Allow access only to files supported by WebReady Document Viewing
Although limited to 4 file types (Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Adobe PDF), this option is more convenient than the first.
Force WebReady Document Viewing and Force Save for all other file types
This is a good option if your company is okay with users saving files to local machine and possibly forgetting to permanently delete them.
Get third part help
Messageware (www.messageware.com) offers a product called AttachView which gives Administrators a wide variety of configuration options for securing attachments. Because AttachView support viewing over 300 file types as safe HTML pages, they really make it feasible to turn off the open and save attachment options for users while they are not in the office or on corporate devices.
Many companies who have Microsoft Exchange with the update Q911829 (released in March and April, 2006) installed and are using Outlook Web Access have been experiencing a problem addressing messages. In some environments, when the spacebar is pressed after addressing a message the address dialog box re-appears and in some cases, while typing the message body, entering a space suddenly activates the addressing dialog box.
There is a free fix available from Messageware, a company that specializes in OWA enhancement software. This patch is now available to companies and Exchange administrators who are running any version of Exchange or OWA. It can be downloaded at https://www.messageware.com/downloads/fixQ911829.php
OWA EMAIL BASICS back to top
Hover over your mailbox name to see the mailbox size and used portion. If the quota is reached, you must free up some space to send more email.
Your Administrator seems to have setup the POP3 or IMAP service on the server. These services hold emails on the server until you connect using Outlook. All emails are then pulled down to your desktop leaving your Inbox empty.
OWA connects to the mailbox on the server showing you all of your new emails since the last time you connected using Outlook.
If you do not want your emails to be downloaded each time, ask your helpdesk if you can set up an Outlook connection directly to the Microsoft Exchange Server, not using POP3 or IMAP. Note that you can only set up this type of connection while you are in office.
For more information on POP3 read:
For more information on email accounts see:
The reading pane can be turned on using the menu option from the folder that you are in. Here is what the menu looks like:
You can choose to view messages on the right side or at the bottom. In this example, the reading pane is showing on the right.
In the new message, check the top-left hand corner to see if you have "Plain text" selected. The "Plain text" option gives you just that - plain text, no fonts, color or highlight options. To get the fonts menu back, just change the drop-down menu to HTML.
To change the default message format either to "Plain text" or to HTML (default), go the OWA Options page and from the Messaging section scroll down to the Message Format section.
The reply and forward buttons are ways to respond to messages. The reply button allows you to send an email back to the person who sent the email. The forward button allows you to send the email to someone who was not in the TO, or CC lines of the email.
For example, if you get an email from John who included Jim and Nancy in the CC line: ) if you want to write back to John about the email.
) if you want to write back to John and let Jim and Nancy see your response.
) if you want to send John's email to Amanda, to let her know what John written.
You will need to speak to your Exchange Administrator about setting up a VPN or RPC over HTTP connection for you. Refer to the Microsoft knowledgebase article below for more information.
The Outlook Web Access client does not provide a way to backup email folders; you will need to use Microsoft Outlook or Microsoft Outlook Express to create a PST / Data file that will be saved to your computer.
If you are working from a remote location your Exchange Administrator will need to provide you access to your mailbox via a VPN connection or RPC over HTTP. Once you set up your account using Microsoft Outlook, you can refer to the link below for more information on how to create an Outlook Personal Folder (.pst).
How to create a .pst file in Outlook 2003
Note: If you are using Microsoft Outlook 2007 you will use the File\Data File Management option.
Once the PST is created, you can then set up and Outlook connection for your other email account and open the PST file. You can then simply drag the mail items out of the PST and into your mailbox.
Spell check options are set in the OWA Options page in the Spelling section. Under the Spelling Options and put a check mark beside Always check spelling before sending. Remember to Save the changes.
To log off your OWA account, click the Log Off () button at the top right-hand corner of the OWA window.
To set OWA as the default mail client, which lets you send messages from within Microsoft Office, respond via MailTo links on websites and send attachments by right-clicking on files on the desktop, you need to use a third party add-on, such as ActiveSend from Messageware (www.messageware.com)
ActiveSend also includes the ability to save an encrypted username and password, and toggle between mail accounts so you can change the default email from OWA to Outlook, for example, if you are using a notebook both in and out of the office.
In order to access your email using Outlook Web Access, your company's Exchange Administrator (or IT department) will need to give you the OWA URL to log in to. They will also provide you with your username and password.
You can sort your emails by clicking on the column headings including From, Subject and Received. This will sort the emails based on the column selected.
To sort your email by sender, press on the FROM column title. To change the order from ascending to descending, click on the FROM column title a second time.
You can also sort your emails by right-clicking on the column bar to bring up more options, as shown in the screen capture below.
To create a new message, click on the New button at the top left hand corner of your Inbox. The button looks like this:
This will bring up a new message window where you can type into the To, Subject and Body of message.
When you are finished, press the Send button in the top left hand corner of the New Message Window to send the message.
The Out of Office Assistant sends an automatic email to anyone who sends you an email while you are not in the office. You can set up your out of office message using Outlook Web Access (OWA).
The steps below will take you through setting up your out of office message.
OWA ADDRESS BOOK back to top
A third-party company called Messageware offers a product that enhances OWA by providing an enhanced address book which lets you:
Below is how the Plus Pack address book looks.
You can set the address book to search Contacts by default via the OWA Options page. To change the OWA default,
The address book can be used to search for people in your company address book (called the Global Address List), as well as your personal contacts. To start, open the address book from the To button in a new message. This is what it will look like:
Next, choose the Address Book the person is in. You can do this on the top left hand side of the address book by clicking on Default Global Address List or the contact folder near the bottom. You can also see more address books by clicking on the Show/Hide other address lists link. If you are looking for someone in your personal contacts, the personal contact folders are under the default Contact folder circled in red below.
To add the person to an email, click on the name one time and then press on the To, CC or BCC button at the bottom of the address book.
OWA CALENDARS back to top
In the OWA Options page, select Calendar Options and under the Calendar Options heading choose the increment, 15 or 30 minutes. This option is only available in OWA Premium; when connecting to OWA using Internet Explorer version 6 and higher.
You can customize the work week in the options folder along with the time when the work day starts and ends.
You can view Microsoft Word, Excel and Power Point files as well as PDFs using OWA's WebReady Document Viewing. The HTML versions of the attachments are shown in a new browser window and can be read and printed. Here is what this looks like:
Files not supported by the attachment viewer can be opened or saved.
WARNING: After opening or saving file, remember to permanently delete the files from the computer and the local internet cache to make sure they are not left behind for someone else to read.
There is a third part solution, AttachView from Messageware Incorporated, which lets you view over 300 file types. AttachView has extra security features letting Administrators turn the open, save and print options on or off depending on where you are connecting from. For example, if you are on your laptop you can save, open and print attachments but if you at an airport kiosk you can only view the file.
Here is what the AttachView looks like:
Your Administrator has likely disabled the Open option because of the security risks associated with this function. When attachments are opened a copy is saved in the local computer, accessible to anyone who accesses the computer, even after logging off OWA.
OWA 2007 offers document viewing, called WebReady Document Viewing, which is a safe way to read a document without downloading it onto the computer. The attachment us turned into a web page and displayed in the viewer. You can view 4 document types: Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Adobe PDF.
There is a third-party called Messageware that extends attachment viewing to over 380 file types.
To attach a file to a new message press the attachment icon shown below.
This will open a small window which lets you Browse the file system to find your file.
When you have found the file, click on it once and the path will be visible on the brows line. To attach the file to your message, press the Attach button.
The file will now be visible in the new message.
OWA SECURITY back to top
Logon to OWA and without logging off, type www.outlook-web-access.com in the browsers address bar and press enter.
There is a third party software, NavGuard from Messageware Incorporated (www.messagweware.com), that warns you before you navigate away without logging off. The warning gives you the option to logoff or return to OWA. Here is what the warning looks like: